Tips for building a sustainable freelancing career: Insights from Victor Fatanmi

Cassandra Collins


At Grey, we believe in empowering freelancers to shape their futures and thrive in the dynamic world of work. In a recent Twitter Chat session, we had the pleasure of hosting Victor Fatanmi, a purpose-driven business leader and co-founder of FourthCanvas and Fullgap.

In this post, we’ll delve into the insights Victor shared on freelancing sustainability, financial planning, work-life balance, and effective networking strategies.

A Little Background on Our Speaker

Victor Fatanmi’s entrepreneurial journey began in 2015 when he co-founded FourthCanvas, a renowned design agency that brings together Africa’s finest brand strategy and design minds.

Drawing inspiration from this experience, he co-founded Fullgap, a tech startup building an operating system for freelancers and individuals seeking to maximize productivity.

With a purpose-driven approach, Victor leads the teams at FourthCanvas and Fullgap to elevate experiences and revolutionize the future of work.

Why We’re Sure Freelancing is a Sustainable Career Path

During the Twitter chat, Victor shed light on the key advantages of freelancing that contribute to its sustainability.

As freelancers, they control their career trajectory, positioning themselves for opportunities and retaining clients. Embracing responsibility becomes a strength that can be applied in any context.

Moreover, freelancers enjoy absolute job security when they invest in their reputation and consistently deliver exceptional work, contrary to the notion of ‘job security’ in a 9-to-5 job.

Additionally, they can balance work and personal life, accommodating essential components such as family, faith, travel, and learning.

How to Maintain A Consistent Flow of Clients and Projects as a Freelancer

To ensure long-term sustainability, Victor shared practical tips for freelancers to maintain a consistent flow of clients and projects.

  1. Regardless of the pay, freelancers should always strive to produce high-quality work and communicate well with clients.
  2. Properly documenting agreements, invoices, and the scope of work enhances their reputation and professionalism.
  3. Leveraging social media platforms to showcase their work, share feedback, and demonstrate continuous improvement can significantly impact their freelance career.
  4. Building a solid portfolio accessible to potential clients, highlighting their expertise and versatility, is an effective way to attract new opportunities.
  5. Engaging in personal projects that excite and showcase their skills, providing value to others in their field, can set them apart.

Overall, proposing solutions and offering valuable insights and advice to potential clients demonstrate their expertise and willingness to contribute to their success.

Strategies For Staying Financially Stable as a Freelancer

While Victor humbly admitted not being a financial expert, he shared practical strategies to ensure financial stability and success as a freelancer.

Freelancers should allocate a portion of their income, around 25%, for savings or low-risk investments to secure their financial future.

Reinvesting in their freelancing career by upgrading their tools and workspace or investing in resources that enhance productivity is wise.

Flexibility is both a boon and a challenge for freelancers, and Victor emphasized the importance of managing it effectively. Embracing the positive impact of flexibility allows freelancers to prioritize personal commitments, be it family, health, or personal development.

At the same time, setting boundaries and practicing discipline are crucial to avoid overworking and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

5 Tips for Building Strong a Strong Network and Professional Relationships

Victor provided five invaluable tips for freelancers to network effectively and forge strong professional relationships.

  1. Freelancers should support their peers, seniors, and others in their industry, and they will reciprocate in due time.
  2. Demonstrating genuine interest in others’ experiences and accomplishments builds deeper connections.
  3. Freelancers should share their experiences with authenticity and humility, fostering meaningful interactions.
  4. Initiating private conversations with those who respond to their public interactions opens new possibilities.
  5. Exuding confidence in their appearance and communication positively impacts others’ perception of their potential.

Wrapping Up

Our Twitter Chat gave aspiring freelancers valuable insights to navigate the challenges and seize opportunities in their freelance careers.

From embracing responsibility to leveraging social media and networking effectively, freelancers can take concrete steps towards building sustainable and fulfilling careers in the dynamic world of work.

Follow us on Twitter to be on top of all our upcoming Twitter Chat sessions.

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