Receive Payments and Swap Them to Your Preferred Currencies

The Best FX
Get the best market exchange rates when you swap with Grey. Track our real-time rates on the rates page.
Withdraw your conversions directly into your local bank account and receive them in a flash.
Swap funds from local to foreign and back within seconds. No hidden fees.

Everything You Get with Grey’s Currency Exchange

100% digital signup
Multiple accepted currency pairs
Exchange rates page
Anti-fraud protection
Instant notifications
Withdrawals to your local account

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funds with Grey

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Join the People Who Convert and Swap with Grey

Studying abroad was overwhelming, especially managing finances in a new currency. Thanks to Grey, I can easily exchange my funds at great rates, making my life so much simpler.
Ngozi Okoro
Exchange Student
As an online retailer, dealing with multiple currencies was a challenge. Grey’s currency exchange feature has simplified my transactions and improved my profit margins with its excellent rates.
Stephanie Bassey
Online Retailer
Getting paid in different currencies used to mean losing money on exchanges. With Grey, I get real-time best rates with no hidden fees. It's been so helpful to my freelance career.
Kunle Ajisogun
Freelance Developer
Travelling to different countries means dealing with various currencies. Grey's currency exchange has made this a breeze, and I love how quick and transparent the process is.
Rachel Osika
Travel Blogger