Welcome to the Grey area: Enjoy the power of community

Toluwani Omotesho


As technology evolves daily, there’s a need to prioritize building and maintaining connections. At Grey, beyond creating global banking solutions, we’re also concerned with creating a space for our users to connect beyond borders. With this in mind, I’d like to introduce you to The Grey Area.

What is the Grey Area?

The Grey Area is an online community for all everyone — Grey users and non-users looking to network, impart knowledge, and get opportunities such as jobs, training, and mentorships. And if you’re looking for reasons to be part of the Grey Area, I will share three ways joining a community can help your professional and personal growth.

Better access to information:

In today’s world, information is everything. Access to the right information at the right time can take your career to the next level. Communities bring together people with different skills, backgrounds, and expertise, and you benefit from this collective knowledge.

Also, communities serve as a medium for learning as valuable resources are usually shared and lastly, it’s an excellent way to stay on top of industry trends as there is real-time information exchange.

Gives you a sense of belonging:

Communities are an excellent way to find people with similar interests, values, and goals. This feeling of belonging and inclusivity can do wonders for your mental health and reduce feelings of isolation, especially for remote workers. Also, you will be able to form meaningful bonds that enrich your personal life and provide you with a strong support system during difficult times.

Fresh perspectives:

Communities might consist of people with similar interests, but at the end of the day, they’re still different individuals. By relating with community members, you’ll get fresh viewpoints and hear experiences from others that’ll inspire new ways of thinking. This expands your worldview and helps with  your professional and personal growth.

We spoke with some freelancers to share how being part of a community has contributed to their professional development, and here’s what they had to say:

Favour, Product designer

To Favour, a community is a group of like-minded people trying to help one another grow and achieve their goals. She shared that she started her tech journey alone, and that period had a lot of unwarranted suffering.

“The most valuable part of communities is that you can meet people at different levels in their careers and directly communicate with them without feeling like a stranger, which you can’t get on social media.”

She revealed that she has been able to connect and build a rapport with two industry leaders, and it’s easier for her to ask them questions and get answers instead of reaching out to them on LinkedIn or X (formerly Twitter). She also said that her community helps keep her accountable.

Bolu, Virtual Assistant

Unlike Favour, Bolu is just starting her career in virtual assistance, and she's not navigating the journey alone. Instead, she’s taking advantage of the power of community support.

She had this to say about how it has benefitted her so far: “I joined a community because I felt that I could grow faster with the help of others, and that has been true so far. It has helped me to stay motivated because there’s always someone there to monitor your progress and help when you feel like giving up.”

Bolu also emphasizes that being part of a community exposed her to valuable materials that she’d typically not come across. But aside from this, many job opportunities are shared, which is how she landed her first internship position.

So, how do you join our community?

All you have to do is sign up with your email address at community.grey.co, and we’ll be waiting to welcome you to The Grey Area!

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