Moving abroad checklist: 6 Essential considerations for a smooth transition

Toluwani Omotesho


Moving abroad is a great way to step out of your comfort zone and gain new experiences. You get to learn about other cultures, meet new people, and expand your career prospects.

However, before taking this step, you must plan to ensure the relocation process happens smoothly and carefully. So, in this post, we’ll guide you through some important things to consider before making the big move.

Visa requirements:

Understanding the visa process is a big first step when relocating to a new country. You need to know the requirements, eligibility, and costs to be incurred. Since eligibility criteria vary by country, you must consult immigration websites to confirm your eligibility for a visa before starting your application.

Also read: Visa 101: A Comprehensive Guide to Different Types Of Visas

Also, ensure that you choose the right visa type when applying, as this directly influences your duration of stay and the opportunities available to you.

Work opportunities:

While you might have some savings to support you after moving, you will need a job to help you live comfortably. That’s why, before you move to a new country, you should consider the following:

  • Employment rate
  • Skills in demand
  • Language requirements
  • Professional qualifications and credentials
  • Salary and employment benefits
  • Work visa requirements.

By understanding the job market dynamics of your destination country, you can improve your chances of finding opportunities that best suit your skills and interests.

Also read: Best Countries to Work in Europe in 2024


Taxes are another essential factor to consider when relocating. Because each country collects taxes differently, you have to understand the implications of moving abroad to ensure compliance with tax laws in both countries. Doing this protects you from double taxation and helps you better plan and manage your finances. Other vital things to consider include:

  • Residency status: The amount of tax paid may vary depending on whether you’re considered a resident in your home or new country. For instance, some countries, like the United States, tax residents based on their worldwide income, while others only tax income earned within their borders.****
  • Tax treaties: A tax treaty is a written agreement between two countries to avoid double taxation and provide relief to taxpayers. So, before relocating, confirm if there are tax treaties between your home country and the new country to understand how it might affect your tax situation.
  • Reporting requirements: You must familiarize yourself with what you need to report for taxes in your home country and your new country. Reporting requirements might include filing tax returns and reporting income and assets. Not doing this right can lead to fines or more serious legal penalties.

Cost of living:

Before relocating, consider how the cost of living in your new destination will affect your quality of life. Research expenses for accommodation, education, transportation, utility, healthcare, and food.

Knowing these costs in advance can help you make informed decisions about where to move. It can also help you prepare financially, avoiding unwanted surprises and stress.


Another essential thing to consider before moving is the culture and lifestyle of your new location. By understanding the beliefs, customs, and values of your new location, you can avoid stereotypes, prejudices, and biases that might offend the locals.

It would help if you also tried to learn the language of your destination, as translation apps can only help you to a point. Doing this will make it easier for you to interact and form new relationships with people in your community.


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