Unlocking non-tech careers: Insights from Peace Obinani

Toluwani Omotesho


The importance of non-tech roles in the tech industry is gaining more popularity. From marketing to customer support and finance, these roles act as the backbone and are essential to the growth and success of any tech company.

In our recent Limitless podcast, we spoke with our first female guest, Peace Obinani. She’s the head of online marketing at PiggyTech and the founder of Non-tech in Tech.

How did you find yourself in tech with your background in Microbiology?

I literally just found myself here. I knew I wouldn’t continue in microbiology, but tech was also nowhere on the list. I always figured I’d do something relating to events or event management because I was gathering experience.

But after I got my first tech job, I realized that it wasn’t what you’d call a typical 9-5, which I’ve never been particularly keen on. This was more flexible and relaxed, so I decided to stay and see how it panned out.

My driving force, however, for remaining in tech is my curiosity. I’m a naturally curious and passionate person. So, as long as there’s something new or challenging, I’m going to give my 100 percent to it.

Can you tell us more about Non-Tech in Tech?

The idea came up from seeing that many people still think that you need to code to work in tech. So, I started to dispel those myths by creating a community of people who work in tech without coding skills. This community provides an opportunity for people who have non-tech tech careers to connect.

Where do you see Non-Tech in Tech in the next five years?

I see us doing what we’re currently doing but on a much larger scale. We already organize local tech summits, partnerships, and annual events for non-tech people – we have an edition coming up this year – and in the next five years, we can replicate these events across different countries. We’re generally just concerned about advocating for no-code tech rules and professionals, educating people about non-tech tech roles, giving them a chance to upskill and get better jobs, and learning new things in the local tech space.

What are you most proud of with everything you’ve achieved with Non-Tech in Tech?

I’m proud of how far I’ve come in a relatively short time and the impact I’m making in my little way. Because people now understand that you don’t need to learn coding to work in tech, you can be a product marketer. Also, there are people, some fresh graduates, who are getting their first jobs or getting international offers from our community. So, I’m just really happy to be part of this.

Returning to marketing, what are the biggest marketing challenges in fintech?

I think the most challenging part about marketing in fintech, especially in Nigeria, is dealing with many uncertainties and variables. I like to say that every day is unique, coming with its own set of problems that need solving. When you juxtapose this with the level of mistrust Nigerians have regarding their money, it can be quite a lot to handle. For example, if there’s a minute of network lag, everybody starts talking about how you’re a thief and scammed them of their money, so you’re not just dealing with marketing your product but with people’s emotions and trying to gain their trust.

What advice would you give to anyone looking to succeed in marketing?

  1. It’s all about your audience: It’s all about your customers and never about you. I’m sorry. Yes, you can try to infuse certain parts of yourself, but you should always put the wants and needs of your customers first. For instance, there might be specific ideas you might want to implement, but they might not resonate with the people you’re trying to sell your product to. We try to live by this at PiggyTech; when it comes to marketing our products, we’re very customer-centric.
  2. Be empathetic: You should always put yourself in the customer’s shoes, especially during the creative process. Always look at different perspectives when approaching issues to ensure you’re not just shooting blanks.
  3. Document everything: it’s easy to get carried away, especially when you’re in the marketing space. You can reflect on the month and feel like you’ve achieved nothing. A lot of unfulfillment comes with not documenting, which can lead to a creative block or even feelings of depression. But documenting helps you build your confidence, keep track of your successes, and protect your interests in situations where you might negotiate for a raise.

Wrapping Up

If you’re interested in having a career in the tech industry, you no longer have to worry about not having a technical background. There are many great non-tech roles you can pursue. By investing in self-development, gathering the right skills and experience, and connecting with people with similar interests, you can have a successful and rewarding career in tech.

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